Some Said it Thundered

“Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified (my name), and will glorify it again.” The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.” – John 12:28-29

Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people in the lead up to his crucifixion and God spoke audibly from heaven, many did not recognise his voice, but Jesus heard it loud and clear. Perhaps this was because Jesus was intimately connected with his Father and had learned to discern and respond to his voice, whereas the crowd had not.

 Every person has an innate capacity to know and relate with God because they are made in his image. But just as with natural families, babies progressively learn to recognise and respond to Mum, Dad and siblings through bonding and association.

Language development starts early, as baby’s ears tune into sounds, that then become more distinct, and eventually take shape in their minds as words that carry specific meanings. They also learn to discern and respond differently to a range of voice tones, facial expressions, and mannerisms.

So it is with God, we progressively learn to recognise and respond to him, the intricacies and nuances of his language, the significance and meaning of what he is saying, and the appropriate way to respond. Children first learn as they tune in and respond to their mother’s narrative as they engage in the day to day. This is how it is with us and God as well. We too learn to tune in, recognise and respond to his voice in the day to day.

But children go to school as well, engaging in specific classes designed to develop and enhance their language skills, to make them effective communicators and relationship builders in their world. It is very helpful for us to “go to school” and grow in our prophetic language, communication, and relationship skills as well.

One foundational lesson in the school of the prophetic is to learn to discern God’s voice, to understand and recognise the different ways God speaks, and how he speaks to us specifically. Holy Spirit has been given to us to guide us, and he dwells within every believer, primarily communicating though inward nudges and impressions. Our part is to be attentive, and to weigh these impressions, to discern if it sounds like God, and if the message is something that God would say. We can always check it out with mature Christian friends if we’re not sure.

 How we hear God’s voice can vary. Many people have a bible verse come to mind, or a simple thought, or an inner knowing. Others may see a mental image, a picture in their mind’s eye, or an inward vision, or a vision playing in front of their mind like a movie on a screen. Sometimes people sense God speaking through feelings, emotions, sensations, or even fragrances, and a sensation of taste. Why not ask Holy Spirit to prompt you to be more aware and attentive to his nudges, and to clarify how he speaks to you.



God is Speaking