God is Speaking
Jill Smith’s Painting
God is speaking, often we don’t hear because we haven’t learned how to recognise his voice, but can.
In the days before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, hearing God’s voice was uncommon, and people who wanted to hear from him sought out priests and prophets, those who walked and talked with God. Then Jesus came and reconciled people to God, returned to heaven, and sent Holy Spirit to everyone who believes, so we can live like Jesus, the ultimate prophet, priest and king.
Now every Jesus follower lives under an open heaven, and filled with Holy Spirit, is invited to walk and talk with God just as Jesus did. Because of this, everyone in Christ can learn to live and serve God, like prophets, priests and kings. At the heart of this Spirit filled life, is the personal, ongoing relationship of each believer with God. It is in our daily conversation with him that we can learn to better recognise and respond to his voice, but accessing specific learning in this is really valuable as well.
Everyone is created with a capacity to know God and to have his presence, not only with them, but within them. The idea is that all of God’s children will be like Jesus, and continue his work healing, redeeming and restoring the world. It is when we discover this and join in that we connect with who we really are, as well as the purpose for which we were born.
God gave the gifts of the Spirit to equip people to do the work of Jesus, and one of these gifts is prophesy. This gift enables people to not only hear God’s voice for themselves, but also to hear his heart and mind for others, and to speak inspired words that strengthen, encourage and comfort people, and build up the church.
When Jesus ascended to his throne in heaven, he released callings for certain people, who would be inspired, anointed and enabled to equip the rest of the church, so that everyone would become mature ministers like Jesus. These callings are alluded to in Ephesians 4 as apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. In this case, the people themselves are given to the church, to establish, equip, and build.
Prophets are still needed today, and a key part of their role, is to teach others how to hear God’s voice well, to discern his voice from all the other noise in the world, to respond wisely and faithfully, and to receive, activate, and steward the gift of prophesy well. Prophets are each given assignments and spheres for ministry and there is diversity in this, as well as in their expressions, gift mixes, and personalities.
If you haven’t done some training in hearing God’s voice and activating the gift of prophesy, I encourage you to consider it, your life with God will blossom and grow. If you would like to pursue this, there are several people who offer excellent training in New Zealand, including me, and any number in other nations. Please feel free to contact me through this website if you would like to know more.